Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Too many potatoes!

Yes, that's what we had for last winter. We ate all we could but in the end they started to sprout and we started to buy potatoes.
Talk about sprouting:
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oh well, Cliff planted quite a few today but hopefully not too many again. Too bad we cannot eat the sprouts, they would make quite a few meals ☺
I picked marjoram and oregano this morning for drying. We have 2 big patches. I also like to use them fresh. While I was in the garden I noticed more rapini were ready to collect.
We watched a whole flock of  swallows flying around our garage but never saw any going into the 2 swallow nests on the gable of the garage. It almost seems as if they found another home and just come around once in awhile. It will be interesting to see what's in the nests when the swallows leave for the winter.
I wanted to get a loaf of bread from the freezer but could not find any, so tomorrow is bread baking day. Good thing I had some german bread to fall back on for supper tonight. We have our warm meal at lunch time that way we don't go to be with a big meal in our stomachs.
Good night everybody ☺


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