Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fridge Soup etc.

Last Saturday was our 52nd anniversary so we decided to go out for Chinese food. We have a really good restaurant close by. Cliff and I normally get just the combination plate. The buffet is absolutely not cost effective since we don’t eat very much at one sitting. At least with the combo plate we get to take the leftovers home which we did last Saturday too. We chose different dishes and had enough to warm up at night. That still did not take care of all the food so the next day I decided to make some “fridge soup”. It consisted of the rest of the Chinese food and cut-up  leftover piece of the pizza I had made before plus a piece of chicken and some extra vegetables. Best soup we had in a long time but unfortunately cannot be duplicated I am sure. That soup lasted for dinner, evening and next evening. How much thriftier can one get???
I hate throwing food out.
For about 5 days I have had terrible hip pain. I really don’t know why. I could hardly get up the stairs. One reason might be that I carried heavy shopping bags for some distance and another one could be that I started to take calcium supplements. I read someplace awhile ago that too much calcium can be detrimental to the bones. So now I wait for awhile before I try that again and see what happens. Right now I have no more pain and am glad for it.
The weather has not been bad at all. Some rain but not too much and always a bit of sun as well during the day.
I ordered some more knitting books from the library for my toe-up sock adventure. It is fun to try something new.
Now I will find something fun to do.
Good bye everybody ☺


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New toy

We finally broke down and bought a nice new set of phones. Our old ones tended to have a clicking sound as soon as we came close to the computers. Not good… it drove me crazy and in the end one of the handsets did not work any longer with the headset. Off we went to Future Shop and bought a Panasonic 3-set cordless phone.

Panasonic 3-Handset DECT 6.0 Cordless Phone (KXTG6513B)


Now I am a happy camper.

A few days ago I finished knitting my first pair of toe-up socks. I think this is the way I shall knit socks from now on. I have a lot more to learn about that but this is a start.


I used some cheap yarn that I had hanging around for about 25 years because I only wanted to learn how to knit the toe but I was on a roll and decided to finish them off. I can see some of design mistakes but I shall work on that.
With this toe-up method I can make a sock just long enough in the leg to use half the ball of yarn and be sure there is enough yarn for the second sock.

I finally have my computer back to normal. It took awhile to arrange things the way I like them. I would really like to learn how to reformat it myself. If I have trouble again I shall try that and hope that I don’t turn it into an “anchor”. I was also able to download Live Writer again although I thought Blogger is OK too.

Today I was very busy. I helped a friend bottle wine this morning and when I came home I had to make lunch, which is our main meal of the day. At the same time I fixed up a pizza for tonight. I had the dough frozen and it was time to get it out of the freezer. It looks good and I hope it will taste good. Now while I am writing this I am also baking chocolate chip cookies. They are very very good. It’s a new recipe Cliff’s niece gave me. The cookies are almost like Sandies. Now I have to have enough willpower to stay away from them. Maybe…maybe not ☺

That’s all for now.
Good bye everybody ☺


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Computer Woes

After 2 1/2 years my computer started to freeze up several times a day and it got worse and worse. I decided to have it re-formatted. Now I have the unenviable task of installing all the windows updates. I thought the shop had done that, but yesterday the updates came coming. I hope I have it all done now.
I am not sure why but I cannot install the Live Writer that I have used since shortly after I started my Blog. I like it so much better than Blogger. I will keep on trying.
I lost some interest in blogging, so I will only do that intermittently.
I started to learn to knit socks from the toe up and I think I like it well enough. That way I can stop at the length of the leg part when I reach the half way mark of my yarn supply. Last regular pair of socks I knitted I ended up having to buy another ball of yarn because of about an inch of sock that I could not finish. Not good.
That is how I spend a lot of my spare time.
Good bye everybody ☺

No "Maxine" picture today, I still have to sort that out.