Tonight we picked up an older TV for our recreation room. Our old TV broke down awhile ago and we bought a new flat screen LCD TV. Both of us really don't care for it so now we are happy to have another one of the old type. Lots of people are buying the new type and then try to give the old one away. Well, we happily received one of them today. :-)
This morning I baked a sour cherry cake and prepared tonight's supper because my Sil and husband came this afternoon for a visit. We had not seen them for a long time and it was great to get together again.
We tried to convince them to stay for the night but they had been gone from home for too long already. They just wanted to get off the Island and get an early start tomorrow morning. They have to drive the Coquihalla to get home. Originally they had planned to leave from Swartz Bay but luckily we found out on the Ferry website that all the ferries to Tsawwassen were fully booked for today. They headed to Duke Point instead and had no problem getting on tonight, although it takes almost half an hour longer for the trip. They will be getting a Hotel for the night somewhere on the mainland.
This was a full day and I am ready for bed.

That Sour Cherry Cake sure sounds good, Vera. I often find the Duke Point ferry pretty convenient as it saves having to drive over the Malahat and then all the way out the Saanich Penninsula.